Monday, February 28, 2011

Find an Old Friend on Facebook- They’re Probably Trying To Avoid Something Too

Every time I see a pair of those miniature scissors that we used when were kids, two ideas cross my mind. One- I can’t believe my hands were ever small enough to fit in those holes and two- I wonder what happened to all my elementary school friends. People throw the word “stalker” a lot around lately and I personally don’t believe there can be such a thing as a stalker in a generation where what I had breakfast is considered “news feed”. My biggest fear is not spiders, heights, or even death, but that there will be an app. invented for Facebook that traces how many times I viewed a person’s profile. So instead of using the time to check up on old boyfriends and their new girlfriends who aren’t half as attractive as you, find some of the friends you had when you were 8 when times were much simpler. Maybe one of you moved or you had a fight but I can almost guarantee time has healed the wound left by you stealing her Barbie lunchbox (even though you swear you didn’t do it). Here are some tips that I have learned that can track just about anybody down:
  • Use groups. People are nostalgic for old times and often join groups based on the schools or activities they were in. It may seem utterly crazy that someone would want to relive their girl scout troop years but there are groups out there, and pictures of the awkward hairstyles to go along with them.       
  • Mutual friends are what makes the world of Facebook go 'round. Look at your own friend list and find someone who may know the person then search their friend list, it may seem creepy at the moment but you’ll have laughs over it on Facebook chat in a matter of no time. 
  • Search through the “Schools” options by entering the person’s graduation class year. If you’re looking for someone from elementary school you’ll probably have to enter the person’s high school graduation year and look through people who graduated in that class. This is probably the most sure fire trick to finding someone, if they didn’t graduate some kind of higher learning institution, chances are they’re most likely in prison and you should consider yourself lucky you lost touch because there’s a good chance you would have been the one driving the getaway car. 
  • Search geographically. Many people list their hometowns now in their info, although this maybe a long shot, if Timmy grew up to be a successful lawyer like he planned in the 3rd grade it will be completely worth it.

I truly believe if you make a Facebook account, you want to be found, I know I sound like the crazy chick from the movie “The Roomate”, but it is the truth. I always wonder if people turned out the way they seemed when they were just discovering the world around them. The next time someone adds you from your past, you shouldn’t be “creeped” out, you should be honored they care enough to see how life molded you into the person you were meant to become.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Teach Your Dog New Trick- Even Man’s Best Friend Needs a Distraction Now and Then

There are a multitude of external distractions when you have something to important to do, but none can be more downright lovable than your dog. You may think that he or she has learned all that a collie can in the 7 years you’ve owned them (49 in dog years) but I guarantee that there’s more than “roll over” up their sleeve/paw. It’s smart to keep realistic objectives, a bulldog won’t be able to do your physics homework regardless of how hard you teach him but teaching your dog a new trick could bring more benefits than you think.

GUYS- Every girl requires having the smile surgically removed from her face when you show her a picture of a dog, any dog. Start out with a picture on your phone, then move to a video posted online, and soon enough she’ll want to come over and see the new trick in person, which will make you the luckiest guy shopping at Petco.

GIRLS- You have to remember who you’re working with here. Guys like anything that keep their brains amused for more than 3 seconds so even if your dog’s trick isn’t all that fascinating, if you can get him to take his eyes off his Call of Duty game, you’ve already won. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Invent A New Drinking Game, Get To It Later When You're Sober

Playing quarters is for your parents generation, beer pong lost its excitement after your senior year in high school, and flip cup- let’s face it was never all that interesting to begin with, so what better to do before studying for your psychology test- invent a new drinking game. Here are some tips to help you future Alexander Graham Bells get started:  

  • Never ruling out any of the wildest possibilities that enter your mind. If your roommate wants to fill his baseball cleats with beer as step one of the game- let him, funneling didn’t come from the mind of someone who was thinking within the box.
  • Invite as many people over as possible to help you brainstorm. Diverse groups are known to form the most creative ideas and if you want this game to spread to basements around the country it should be something people will find a good enough excuse to base a party around.
  • Don’t limit yourself to alcohol. If milk is your drink of choice knock yourself out, the ultimate goal is to have a good time, which doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be passed before you can finish making up the rest of the rules.
  •  Work with what you have. Simplicity is king when it comes to innovation, a carpenter never blames his tools and you shouldn’t be limited by a lean budget. If your props cost more than the libations you're filling them with you probably need to re-evaluate your approach.

Have fun and be safe. The  recreational drinkers of the world are counting on you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Start a Blog- It's Better Than Doing Homework

                                         It's 11 o'clock on a Sunday night and the four page paper due the next day at 8 in the morning for your marketing class is looming but all you can seem to do is listen to your favorite band's new album. Track 8, Track, 9, Track 10, they're all the poetry to your soul, even if you can't convince your overly doubtful roommates this is the case, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt thats it's true. If there was only a place where they could go to find the most anatomically flattering pictures, soulful bootleg copies of concert performances, and insightful quotes to change their stubborn minds. Since you have 2 hours until you absolutely have to start your paper, you decide to start a blog to show the world that John Mayer isn't the womanizing, talentless pop star that everyone thinks he is.

While starting a blog may seem like a paradox, after all your goal is to avoid work in any way humanly possible, it's also a great way to drive your passion whatever that may be. If you're the type of person who can never articulate the things you want to say the moment someone challenges your beliefs, its also a great place for redemption.We all have voices, some get drowned out by those who scream the loudest but a blog is a place where nobody can silence you. You may meet other people who too believe that their "Body is A Wonderland". If enough people decide they like what you have to say you could make some money from advertising to fund the summer class you have to take since you failed your marketing class. Start a blog, show the world your cards and you may be surprised what comes out of it.

Above is a great link that explains, in a literal fashion how the biggest dummy can start a blog.