Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Build A Tree House, Procrastinate At Higher Altitudes

I was never a very jealous child, I shared my toys and took turns on the merry-go-round but nothing sent me into more envious rage then when I saw a kid with a tree house. When you’re a kid you have little independence, your room is your palace, office, and innersactum. I could never wrap my mind around having a space to call my own where nobody could tell me what to do, even if it was located roughly 15 feet from my house and the walls were made out of bark, the concept was still amazing. So if you’re putting off whatever is your supposed to be doing, now that you’re a little bit older, try capturing back some of the youthful desires you had when you thought you’re third grade teacher was  the meanest possible human alive. Here is a website which provides all the instructions for proper tree house building, whether boys or girls are allowed is at your own discretion.

I cannot stress enough the importance of safety. If you did this project when you were nine like those kids in the ABC sitcoms you would have your dad handling all the logistics and you would be focusing on the bonding process while your mother served you peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. What those shows conveniently left out, is wood and bolts without proper support 30 feet in the air, inside of a tree can result in you becoming the leading story on your local news station.

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