Thursday, February 24, 2011

Start a Blog- It's Better Than Doing Homework

                                         It's 11 o'clock on a Sunday night and the four page paper due the next day at 8 in the morning for your marketing class is looming but all you can seem to do is listen to your favorite band's new album. Track 8, Track, 9, Track 10, they're all the poetry to your soul, even if you can't convince your overly doubtful roommates this is the case, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt thats it's true. If there was only a place where they could go to find the most anatomically flattering pictures, soulful bootleg copies of concert performances, and insightful quotes to change their stubborn minds. Since you have 2 hours until you absolutely have to start your paper, you decide to start a blog to show the world that John Mayer isn't the womanizing, talentless pop star that everyone thinks he is.

While starting a blog may seem like a paradox, after all your goal is to avoid work in any way humanly possible, it's also a great way to drive your passion whatever that may be. If you're the type of person who can never articulate the things you want to say the moment someone challenges your beliefs, its also a great place for redemption.We all have voices, some get drowned out by those who scream the loudest but a blog is a place where nobody can silence you. You may meet other people who too believe that their "Body is A Wonderland". If enough people decide they like what you have to say you could make some money from advertising to fund the summer class you have to take since you failed your marketing class. Start a blog, show the world your cards and you may be surprised what comes out of it.

Above is a great link that explains, in a literal fashion how the biggest dummy can start a blog.

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