Sunday, February 27, 2011

Teach Your Dog New Trick- Even Man’s Best Friend Needs a Distraction Now and Then

There are a multitude of external distractions when you have something to important to do, but none can be more downright lovable than your dog. You may think that he or she has learned all that a collie can in the 7 years you’ve owned them (49 in dog years) but I guarantee that there’s more than “roll over” up their sleeve/paw. It’s smart to keep realistic objectives, a bulldog won’t be able to do your physics homework regardless of how hard you teach him but teaching your dog a new trick could bring more benefits than you think.

GUYS- Every girl requires having the smile surgically removed from her face when you show her a picture of a dog, any dog. Start out with a picture on your phone, then move to a video posted online, and soon enough she’ll want to come over and see the new trick in person, which will make you the luckiest guy shopping at Petco.

GIRLS- You have to remember who you’re working with here. Guys like anything that keep their brains amused for more than 3 seconds so even if your dog’s trick isn’t all that fascinating, if you can get him to take his eyes off his Call of Duty game, you’ve already won. 

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